Monday, October 28, 2013


I have been MIA for quite some time.   Who has been occupying all my time?  Well that would be this handsome little man: 

This little guy was born August 13, 2012.  He has brought more joy and happiness into my life than I ever knew was possible.  Watching him with his brother never ceases to amaze me.  

You could spend hours getting lost in these blue eyes! I am truly truly blessed.  

In order to have this bundle of joy I had my band deflated.  Towards the end of my pregnancy I found out that my lap-band surgeon had left his practice and they were no longer doing maintenance.  

So, I have slacked on finding a new surgeon.  Now, I am BIGGER than I have ever been. I mean majorly big! I went to meet my new surgeon today and am determined to get back on track.  I have a long way to go, but 2 beautiful boys to get me there!